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Album: Córdoba (May 2022) [67 photos]


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Ali's Homepage PhotoServe - © 2002-2025, S. Ali Tokmen
Some photos of this album contain the following keywords: Spain, Espagne, İspanya (Ispanya), España
Some photos of this album contain the following keywords: La Judería (La Juderia), Jewish Quarter Of Cordoba, Quartier Juif De Cordoue, Mosque–cathedral Of Córdoba (Mosque–cathedral Of Cordoba), Mezquita, Arches, Alcázar De Los Reyes Cristianos (Alcazar De Los Reyes Cristianos), Alcázar Of The Christian Kings (Alcazar Of The Christian Kings), Residence For Catholic Kings, Roman Bridge, Calahorra Tower, Plaza De La Corredera, Corrodera Square, Plaza Mayor, Casa Rubio