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Album: Switzerland (June 2008) [98 photos]


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Ali's Homepage PhotoServe - © 2002-2025, S. Ali Tokmen
Some photos of this album contain the following keywords: Switzerland, Suisse, İsviçre (Isvicre), Schweiz
Some photos of this album contain the following keywords: Landes Museum Zürich (Landes Museum Zurich), Melchsee Frutt, Trubsee, Zürich Zoo (Zurich Zoo), Zooh, Ebenalp, Appenzeller, Rafz, Heidelberg, Swarovski, Christmas Market, Weihnachtsmerkt, Weihnachtsmärkte (Weihnachtsmarkte), Basel, Bâle (Bale), Beckenried, Klewenalp, Pizol, Geneva, Cenevre, Gotthard, Bern, Einstein House Haus