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Album: Lisbonne (Mai / Juin 2024) [63 photos]


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Ali's Homepage PhotoServe - © 2002-2024, S. Ali Tokmen

Quelques photos de cet album contiennent les mots clés suivants: Miradouro De Estêvão Belvedere (Miradouro De Estevao Belvedere), Igreja Paroquial De São Miguel (Igreja Paroquial De Sao Miguel), Lisbon Cathedral, Carmo Convent, Rua Nova Do Carvalho, Pink Street, Tagus, Jerónimos Monastery (Jeronimos Monastery), Belém Tower (Belem Tower), Ponte 25 De Abril, Santuário De Cristo Rei Sanctuary (Santuario De Cristo Rei Sanctuary), Forte De São Lourenço Da Cabeça Seca (Forte De Sao Lourenco Da Cabeca Seca), Farol Do Bugio